
Male, from Lianyungang, Jiangsu, holding a Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor, Master’s Supervisor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Structural Engineering in Hohai University, and as a core member of the Huang-Danian-style teaching team of national universities.
教育背景/Educational background
- 本科阶段:河海大学,土木院,土木工程 ,工学学士 (保研)
- Undergraduate: Civil Engineering, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, BEng (postgraduate recommendation)
- 硕博阶段:河海大学,土木院,结构工程 ,工学博士 (硕博连读)
- Postgraduate: Structural Engineering, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Ph.D. in Engineering (successive postgraduate and doctoral program)
- 公派联培:美国佐治亚理工学院,土木与环境学院,结构工程
- Visiting student (2012-2014): Structural Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Cooperative training program sponsored by CSC)
工作履历/Working experience
- 河海大学,土木院,土木工程博士后流动站,博士后 (特优出站)
- Postdoc: Civil engineering postdoctoral workstation, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University (Excellent grade leaving the station)
- 河海大学,土木院,结构所,副所长/副教授/副研究员
- Deputy Director/Associate Professor/Associate Researcher, Institute of Structural Engineering, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University
研究领域:智慧土木/Research interests: Intelligent structural health monitoring
- 土木工程材料性能无线精细感知与定量评价;
- Wireless fine sensing and quantitative evaluation of material performance in civil engineering;
- 大数据驱动下土木工程结构服役性能智能评估与破坏预警。
- Intelligent evaluation and damage warning of civil engineering structure service performance driven by big data.
学术兼职/Part-time Academic Job
- 2018年至今, 美国土木工程师学会 (ASCE), 会员
- 2020年至今, 中国土木工程学会, 会员
- 2023年至今, 教育部, 全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家
- 2023年至今, 江苏省科技厅高新处, 高新技术企业评审专家
- 2024年至今, 中国民族建筑研究会建筑迁移保护专委会, 专家委员
- 2024年至今, 南京市建委, 智能建造产业协同发展联盟专委会, 专家委员
官方网页/Official website